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Cockroaches get a very bad rap. You may think of them as disgusting pests that invade your house and spread germs. Yet there are nearly 5,000 known species of this fascinating insect, and many perform beneficial services for our ecosystems.

Learn all about this fascinating insect with GIANTmicrobes Cockroach.

Size: 8 x 6 x 2"


  • Cockroach Cockroach GMUS-PD-0153
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Sizes Giantmicrobes are based on actual microbes, cells, organisms and other critters, only 1,000,000 times actual size!
Gigantic (GG) 16-24"
XL (XL) 10-15"
Original (PD) 5-8"
Keychain (KC) 2-4" with clip
Materials Plush from all new materials. Stuffed with polyester fiber fill. Surface washable: sponge with water & soap, air dry.
Packaging Each plush microbe includes a printed card with fun, educational and fascinating facts about the actual microbe or cell.
Safety Every product meets or exceeds U.S. and European standards for safety. For ages 3 and up.

All about Cockroach

FACTS: Cockroaches get a very bad rap. You may think of them as disgusting pests that invade your house and spread germs. Yet there are nearly 5,000 known species of this fascinating insect, and many perform beneficial services for our ecosystems. Cockroaches live everywhere, from deserts to jungles and cities. While some are bland and brown, others have beautiful patterns. So let’s admire the cockroach - a remarkably complicated, hardy, well adapted and successful animal!

Only 30 species are considered pests to humans. Four, in particular, excel at getting the heart thumping when they scuttle across the floor: the German, American, Australian, and Oriental cockroaches. The German cockroach, the most common type, is light brown with stripes. The American, the largest of the pest species, is reddish brown with a figure-8 pattern on its head.

All cockroaches are flat with heads directed downwards, acting as a shield. Some have leathery hindwings that cover the forewings, further shielding the body. An extremely hard exoskeleton and unique body structure enables cockroaches to protect themselves well. Some can withstand forces up to 900 times their bodyweight. Other roaches can roll up into a ball to thwart predators and make them hard to squish.

Consider that 99% of all cockroach species are not pests. Most play a vital ecological role as recyclers. For example, the large Australian burrowing cockroach eats twigs and leaf litter, thus reducing fuel for wildfires and fertilizing the soil with nitrogen.

As for the pests, these cockroaches have evolved to scavenge human scraps. They congregate in garbage and can carry E. coli, salmonella, and other germs, so their droppings and saliva can make you sick and trigger allergies. The best advice for cockroach control is to practice good sanitation. If you suspect or discover an infestation, contact a licensed pest control professional.

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